Gallery Hours: Fridays 2-6 PM Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 PM
Our Creativity & Community Care Room opens January 21-24, 12-5:30 PM

Past Events

The Winter Office: The Social Territories of a Warming World #1 with Irene Tsatsos, Jan Williamson, and Jeffrey Stewart

The Winter Office: The Social Territories of a Warming World #1 with Irene Tsatsos, Jan Williamson, and Jeffrey Stewart

Please join The Winter Office for the first in a series of public conversations on non-ideal theories of art, collaborative design, and spatial justice in the 21st century city. In the center of The Winter Office's current Armory exhibition is a working Podcast studio that functions as a public speaking and listening environment where new, urgent models for dwelling and housing can be imagined in conversation. These public conversations will be recorded and produced as a podcast series entitled The Social Territories of a Warming World. This inaugural conversation will be moderated by Hugo Hopping, artist and Director of The Winter Office, in collaboration with the Armory and 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica, where a second version of this Podcast studio will be installed in August.

Opening Conversation:
Collaborate this Place with Irene Tsatsos and Jan Williamson

A conversation on the value of cross-regional and cross-institutional collaborations between art organizations, such as the one driving Non-Perfect Dwelling—the exhibition that brings together the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena and 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica—will be discussed by Irene Tsatsos, Director of Exhibition Programs and Chief Curator at the Armory, and Jan Williamson, Executive Director of the 18th Street Arts Center.

Keynote Conversation:
The New Negro Encounters Environmental Racism with Jeffrey Stewart

Acclaimed but unacclimated author of The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke, Jeffrey Stewart discusses his experience teaching an environmental justice class at UC Santa Barbara. Stewart struggles to answer the question: can one advocate climate justice without dealing with the question of race?

Jeffrey Stewart is an author, historian, and Professor of Black Studies at University of California at Santa Barbara. Both a National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winner for his biographical work on Harlem Renaissance figure Alain Locke, Jeffrey Stewart has been organizing research and education initiatives concerned with critical environment studies and environmental justice.

About The Social Territories of a Warming World
Organized and moderated by The Winter Office as a public speaking environment where urgent paradigms and contexts emerging from the climate crisis will be explored, these conversations, which are open to everyone, will be recorded and produced as a podcast series and made available online soon after. This conversation platform is a special program of the exhibition Non-Perfect Dwelling by The Winter Office, and it is produced in collaboration with The Armory Center for the Arts and 18th Street Arts Center, where other conversation events will also be recorded and open to the public.

Banner Image (from left): Author Jeffrey Stewart. Table First Version (detail), 2019. Wood, metal, recording equipment. 88 x 35 x 29 inches. Photo by Ian Byers-Gamber.


Dates: Saturday, Jul 20, 2019
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
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