Angel Frames
City of Pasadena Adaptive Recreation sponsors an exhibition featuring the work of adults with disabilities who participate in a weekly art program, held each Wednesday evening at Victory Park. The theme of this year’s show is “This is How We See the World” and includes the best artwork and poetry from the artists involved in the program. A sample poem:
“The Difference Between Body and Soul” by Ara Bezjian
Even though my body acts strange sometimes,
I am not sick
My body is a vehicle
In which my spirit resides and my soul is connected to the higher power
We are learning as we go, about our souls and our bodies
My body is not doing the creation of art, by my soul is
Because our soul is created in the image of the higher power
The primary focus of adaptive recreation is to provide an opportunity and a supportive environment for artists with disabilities to create artwork and poetry. James Trivers, art teacher, says he has personally witnessed the growth and development of each person involved in this program.
For more information, please contact Jackie Scott, adaptive recreation specialist for the city of Pasadena at (626) 744- 7257 or [email protected].
Saturday, Sep 5, 2009
Gallery Hours: Fridays 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturdays & Sundays 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Free Admission
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM