Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

WATCH: Tanya Aguiñiga Virtual Exhibition Field Trips

WATCH: Tanya Aguiñiga Virtual Exhibition Field Trips

Take your students on a virtual Armory exhibition tour and make art with lessons designed by Armory Teaching Artists that meet National Arts Common Core Standards.

This first round of virtual field trips is informed by our last exhibition Tanya Aguiñiga: Borderlands Within/La Frontera Adentro, which opened in our Caldwell Gallery in February of 2020, but regrettably closed to the public just weeks later due to the pandemic.

Weaving a World of My Own (Grades 3 to 5)
Armory Teaching Artist: Danielle Katsumi Stolz

Learn how weavings can represent your personal experiences by exploring the art of Tanya Aguiñiga and creating your own masterpieces. Students will view and discuss a contemporary work of art, complete a series of drawings (including blind contours), then engineer their drawings into a paper weaving.

Download Lesson Plan


Rubbing and Trace Drawings (Grades 3 to 5)
Armory Teaching Artist: Valeria Duque

Create rubbing and trace drawings of their everyday home objects. Students will view and discuss artworks based around the theme of identity, recognize how everyday objects can be transformed into art materials, and describe how their everyday home objects are related to their home identity.

Download Lesson Plan


Rubbing and Zine Making (Grades 5 to 8)
Armory Teaching Artist: William Camargo

Create an eight-page zine, based on your everyday life. Students will view and discuss artworks, brainstorm about things that are in their everyday life, create rubbings from household materials, interpret artwork, and be inspired to make new art.

Download Lesson Plan



These activities are supported in part by the California Arts Council. Learn more at



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