Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

HOME: An Armory Coloring Book

 HOME: An Armory Coloring Book

This coloring book for all ages is a collaborative effort of the Armory's Teaching Artists. We invited our faculty to each create an illustration representing their personal interpretation of “Home,” a relatable theme especially in light of the safer at home orders the entire planet is experiencing during this pandemic. We hope this opportunity to interact with original illustrations by Armory Artists will give you inspiration and help you feel nurtured, nourished, and renewed. Enjoy!

Download the Coloring Book

Allison Alford •  Gabriella Carboni •  Jocelyn Casas •  Rachel Colón •  Victoria Delgadillo •  Adrienne DeVine •  David P. Earle •  Ann Faison •  Patricia Ferber •  Joe Galarza •  Sandra Gallegos •  Sergio Hernandez •  Heather Hillard •  Gail Howland •  Carey James •  Kate Lain •  Ed Leonardi •  Patricia Liverman •  Austyn de Lugo •  Matt MacFarland •  Brandi Mack-Khalfani •  Jeffrey Maurer •  Jorge Mujica & Teresita de la Torre •  Simone Montemurno •  Tracy Nakayama •  Michelle Ohm •  Julieta Reynoso •  Kristofferson San Pablo •  Blue Soo Hoo •  Danielle Stolz •  Emily Thorpe Coogan



We can still come together as a community to celebrate the power of art. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting the Armory today. We pledge to continue providing exceptional arts programming for all, while supporting our staff and teaching artists to our fullest ability in the weeks to come. Your tax deductible donation will help safeguard our mission through this crisis and beyond. Thank you.

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