In 10 minutes, draw as many popular cartoon characters as possible...from memory! Forget about details. Be quick & loose. It's not about being "good." It's about discovering your unique cartooning style. All you need is a sheet of paper and something to draw with. Use #ArmoryArtsChallenge when you share your doodles. Special thanks to cartoonist and Armory Teaching Artist Matt MacFarland for appearing in this video and sharing this amazing exercise with us, which was originally developed by cartoonist Ivan Brunetti.
We can still come together as a community to celebrate the power of art. If you are in a position to do so, please consider supporting the Armory today. We pledge to continue providing exceptional arts programming for all, while supporting our staff and teaching artists to our fullest ability in the weeks to come. Your tax deductible donation will help safeguard our mission through this crisis and beyond. Thank you.