Gallery Hours: Fridays 2-6 PM Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 PM
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

Past Events

2016 Monster Drawing Rally

2016 Monster Drawing Rally

The Armory’s annual live drawing event and fundraiser returns. Join us on October 16 and see artwork being created by 100 artists in front of an enthusiastic crowd, then purchase drawings on site for $75 each. Admission at the door is $10, with craft beer on-tap throughout the day courtesy of Craftsman Brewing Company. All proceeds benefit Armory exhibitions. Doors open at 12:30 pm. First drawing shift begins at 1 pm.

Artist Drawing Schedule

1:00 - 2:00 PM

Brian Bress
John Burdel
Dave Deany
M.L. Dodge
Simone Gad
Roberta Gentry
Stephanie Hutin
Chris Kallmyer
Gelare Khoshgozaran
Olga Koumoundouros
- Kang Seung Lee
Marisa Mandler
Elana Mann
Gina Osterloh
Vincent Ramos
Brett Cody Rogers
Jimena Sarno
Kyungmi Shin
Hataya Tubtim
Mark Dean Veca

2:00 - 3:00 PM

Laida Aguirre
Michael Ano
Carmen Argote
Raul Baltazar
Jeff Cain
Krysten Cunningham
Lorraine Cleary Dale
David P. Earle
Robert Fontenot
Bettina Hubby
- Elonda Norris
Jane O'Neill
Julia Paull
Nancy Popp
Matt Rich
Ariana Rubcic
Barbara T. Smith
Elizabeth Tremante
Devon Tsuno
Kim Zumpfe

3:00 - 4:00 PM

Mark Allen
Jacinto Astiazarán
Nancy Buchanan
David Burns
Abigail Collins
Jessica Fleischmann
Nick Herman
Chris James
Molly Larkey
Kristi Lippire
- Alan Nakagawa
Brian O'Connell
Deirdre O'Dwyer
Mary Anna Pomonis
Gala Porras-Kim
Kristofferson San Pablo
Fran Siegel
Geneva Skeen
Astri Swendsrud
Clarissa Tossin

4:00 - 5:00 PM

Stephanie Allespach
Shagha Ariannia
Judie Bamber
Mary Brogger
York Chang
Rafa Esparza
Yvette Gellis
Onya Hogan-Finlay
- David Hughes
Farrah Karapetian
Alice Könitz
Anna Mayer
Steve Roden
Susan Silton
Dani Tull
Sandra Vista
Lindsay Preston Zappas

* Schedule as of 10/14/16. Times and artists subject to change.

The Rally's History
Monster Drawing Rally is an annual tradition established in Los Angeles by Outpost for Contemporary Art, now Outpost@Armory. The event concept was developed in 2001 by Southern Exposure, a San Francisco-based, artist-centered, not-for-profit, and has continued to thrive there since. The Armory is pleased to bring the concept to Los Angeles' vibrant art scene.


Dates: Sunday, Oct 16, 2016
Time: 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
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