Jason Lazarus: Gone

Jason Lazarus’ work address ways in which memory and memorialization are communicated through the photographic image. In his Heinecken Studies, Lazarus created a series of color photograms using a portion of the cremated remains of the late conceptual photographist Robert Heinecken. Produced in a single studio session, the works appear as constellations or color-field abstractions. Other works in the exhibit include a portraiture and images from Lazarus’ Orion over Baghdad series featuring photograms of the titles of snapshots posted on Flickr by US soldiers of their tours of duty in Iraq.
In the Pasadena Art Alliance Gallery
Open Tuesday through Sunday, Noon - 5pm
Related articles and resources:
- The PHOTOGRAPHERS Lecture Series
International Center for Photography, October 2011
Sunday, Jan 22, 2012
Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM