NewTown: Convergences
In one of NewTown’s most ambitious gallery shows, eleven digital and media artists appropriate the ubiquitous tools of their media into cutting-edge, highly personal, curiously accessible experimental art forms. Convergences seamlessly integrates media with sculpture and installation into an immersive experience. The exhibition will be a multi-station journey through a labyrinth of interactions, aesthetics and technologies, from garage pillaged elegance to experimental circuitry. The exhibition will feature work by artists; Nancy Buchanan and Ismael De Anda, Claudia Bucher, Robert Ladislas Derr, Heidi Kumao, Katja Loher, Lisa Mann, Anne Oren, Steve Shoffner, Rachel Siegel, Trixy Sweetvittles, and Laura Yilmaz.
Sunday, Jan 9, 2011
Gallery Hours: Fridays 2-6 PM Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 PM
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM