SNAP Too! Photo students focus on Pasadena Art Alliance
Members of the Pasadena Art Alliance, an independent charitable group that supports contemporary art throughout Southern California, recently commissioned 30 Photography and Imaging students at Art Center to conceptualize and photograph portraits in their own creative style. Following collaborative meetings with their “patrons” to discuss art direction, Art Center students unveiled the portraits at an opening gala for patrons and public alike at “SNAP too,” a benefit and gallery exhibition presented by the Armory Center for the Arts. In addition to the commissioned artwork, students donated personal portfolio pieces to the events silent auction. Proceeds from the event and all of the Pasadena Art Alliances fundraising efforts are awarded as grants to over two-dozen organizations, including Armory Center for the Arts and Art Center College of Design. The exhibition of Art Center student work remains on display in the Armory’s Caldwell Gallery through June 6.
Saturday, Jun 6, 2009
Gallery Hours: Fridays 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturdays & Sundays 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Free Admission