Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

Grief, Solidarity, and Respect

Grief, Solidarity, and Respect

The Armory grieves the loss of George Floyd and so many others who have lost their lives to police brutality and the systemic racism that continues to plague our country. We stand in solidarity with communities across the nation, in Pasadena, and throughout Southern California who deplore this tragedy.

We know that remaining silent is not the answer. We seek to better contribute to creating equitable outcomes. Questions we have been asking ourselves: What kind of community arts organization do we want to be? What does it mean to uphold cultural equity values? How can the Armory do a better job of supporting Black communities locally and nationally? How can the arts and artists play a role in dismantling white supremacy?

We don’t have all the answers and recognize that we are in a continuous mode of learning and trying to do and be better.

We are dedicated to providing a safe, creative, inclusive, and positive experience for everyone while eliminating any barriers that prevent access.

We acknowledge that institutional privilege can contribute to oppression, so we will leverage that privilege to create a more just world.

We are committed to respectfully learning together in community from all unique experiences, points of view, and backgrounds.

We recognize that unquestioned assumptions hinder belonging, and that achieving cultural equity and inclusion is a continual process of deep conversations, focused intention, and honest reflection. For this reason, we value a culture of sensitive listening, mutually beneficial collaboration, and a genuine interest in other points of view.

We also know that these words are not enough. It is only in our actions and our short circuiting of oppressive systems that we, in unity with others, will we be able to create change.


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