Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

2020 Events

Be Present, Hold Space with Devon Tsuno

Be Present, Hold Space with Devon Tsuno

Be Present, Hold Space is the Armory's new bi-monthly series where Armory friends, new and longtime, can gather and be present together. This has been an unpredictable, exhausting time for all of us. There is an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, and yet a growing social movement offers glimmers of hope and inspiration. We recognize that being present for each other in a creative environment is necessary, and we invite the Armory community to come together for a lightly moderated hour of sharing, listening, and being present with one another.

This next installment's special guest is Artist Devon Tsuno. Tsuno will lead a discussion and tutorial on fishing, land acknowledgement, and exploring the outdoors. During the pandemic, folks are flocking to nature. How can we be present in the outdoors, catch fish, and hold space for those in the past, present, and future? If you have string or fishing tackle, you can practice basic and advanced fishing techniques with Devon.

About this Series
In the first weeks of quarantine, the Armory team began a new staff meeting tradition of sharing creativity that inspires us and keeps us going. Be Present, Hold Space borrows partly from that intention.

The series' other inspiration is Exquisite LA, a project created by Claressinka Anderson and photographer Joe Pugliese that appears in Contemporary Art Review Los Angeles (CARLA). Drawing on the history of the "Exquisite Corpse" Surrealist game, each issue features an LA artist who then picks the next artist to be featured—thus creating a communal portrait of the current Los Angeles art world.

Adopting this structure, we will ask our special guests to pass the baton to another artist or creative who inspires them—someone they think would be great for the next meeting of the Armory's circle of sharing. Decentralizing the power of who curates voices and experiences is inline with the Armory's cultural equity values. As each guest passes the space from one to the next, we will begin to track a creative lineage that underlines our rich creative and cultural fabric at the Armory and welcome in new layers of community.

If you would like to know when these occur, subscribe to our email list or connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter @ArmoryArts.

Community Agreements
Be Present, Hold Space attendees agree to adhere to the following guidelines to insure a healthy, welcoming, and productive evening:

  1. Be present.
  2. Share the space.
  3. Allow others to finish speaking.
  4. Respect other experiences.
  5. Honor confidentiality.
  6. Listen to understand, even if you disagree.
  7. Use “I” statements and speak from your experiences.
  8. Stay open to other points of view.
  9. Stay on topic.
  10. Welcome positivity, generosity, laughter, and constructive critique.
  11. Be aware of power dynamics and hold yourself accountable.
  12. Be aware that biases influence perspective.
  13. Acknowledge your privilege.
  14. Own your mistakes, your intentions, and your impact.
  15. Appreciate and honor silence.


Dates: Thursday, Dec 17, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
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