Gallery Hours: Fridays 2-6 PM
Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 PM
Admission is always free.

Tag: Faculty

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Faculty Feature: Gabriella Carboni


On April 20, 2020, we asked Armory Teaching Artist Gabriella Carboni to take over our Instagram account for the day. Here's what she shared.

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Collage Scavenger Hunt with Sandra Gallegos

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Armory Teaching Artist Sandra Gallegos asked us to share one of her favorite collages with you that she made in 2017. "I thought it would be nice for children to hunt for things," like a scavenger hunt. We thought that was a great idea.

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Matt MacFarland: 7 Cartoonists I Love

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Armory Teaching Artist Matt MacFarland loves drawing and comics. "I went to school for art, but still made cartoons. Then I went to grad school for art. I still made cartoons...then my son was born and I just made comics."

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Faculty Spotlight: Kristofferson San Pablo Exhibiting in Beyond the Streets

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Armory Teaching Artist Kristofferson San Pablo will be exhibiting as part of a group show at Beyond the Streets in Los Angeles.

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Andre’ Barnwell's African USA Flag Encourages Investigation of African Roots

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Throughout the month of February, and in honor of Black History Month, artist and designer Andre’ Barnwell’s African USA Flag project encourages Americans to genetically map their African heritage and…

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