Gallery Hours: New Exhibition Opens April 25
Creativity & Community Care Room Hours: M-F 12-5:30 PM

Teaching Staff

At the core of our mission is a deep commitment to social justice through arts education. Every day, Armory Teaching Artists transform lives and communities through the power of art. Children, teens, and adults learn new skills and discover hidden talents during year-round art classes at the Armory. Teens master 21st-century graphic design skills at continuation high schools, preparing for careers in California's creative economy. Public school teachers thrive in our professional development seminars, where they learn how to combine art with core subjects like math and science to excite imaginations and inspire critical thinking. Our most vulnerable community members discover a safe place to express themselves, through free art classes at low-income elementary schools, inner-city parks, senior housing, recreation centers, and juvenile justice centers

2025 Teaching Staff Roster

Aldonia Bailey
Ronna Ballister
Paloma Brenek
Joseph "Joe" Bruns
Rachel Colon
Emily Thorpe Coogan
Lark Crable
Rachel Curry
Austyn de Lugo-Liston
Ann Faison
Isabel Fernandez
Jose L. "Joe" Galarza
Sandra Gallegos
Ruzanna Hanesyan
Sergio Hernandez
Heather Hilliard
Gail Howland
iris hu
Alice Könitz
Luiz Eduardo "Ed" Leonardi
Matt Mac Farland
Brandi Mack-khalfani
Nicole Magana
Mich Miller
Simone Montemurno
Tracy Nakayama
Elonda Norris
Michelle Ohm
Tania Ordoñez
Laura Howard Parker
Johnny Perez
Scarlett Reyes
Paula Julieta "Julieta"  Reynoso
Hannah Richardson
Joe Sanchez
Allison Segura
Lisa Watts
Dajin Yoon

Teen Apprentices

Alesi Almanza
Jade Conner
Jasmine Gafurjanova
Sasha Hansen
Yaretzi Juarez-Reyes
Makela Mann


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