Gallery Hours: Fridays 2-6 PM
Saturdays & Sundays 1-5 PM
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Teens Document One Year of COVID Lockdown with Zine Project

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What does justice mean in the age of COVID? Armory Teaching Artists posed this question to young adults from across the Southland participating in our COVID Chronicles 'Zine class.

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WATCH: Poetry Readings from the Alison Saar Exhibition Catalogue

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Enjoy a reading of three works included in the Alison Saar: Of Aether and Earthe exhibition catalogue, recorded during the virtual catalogue release event last autumn.

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Pasadena Parks After Dark with the Armory

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Join Armory teaching artist Heather Hilliard for Pasadena’s Parks After Dark programs.

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WATCH: Mel Chin and Sehba Sarwar: How Would You Like Me Now?

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Thank you to all who joined us for the Armory's new literary reading series on racial justice, presented in conjunction with the ongoing exhibition Alison Saar: Of Aether and Earthe.

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WATCH: Christina Sharpe - Alison Saar Essay Reading

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Watch Christina Sharpe's powerful reading of an excerpt from her essay Alison Saar, Alchemist: 'the hand is in the making of textures'.

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Michael McMillen Motel (Under the World) Gets a Makeover

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Recently, artist Michael McMillen visited the Armory to spruce up Motel (Under the World), his permanent floor installation depicting a robot, resting under glass, watching TV, and polishing off a...

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WATCH: Active Voice Part 3: Home Studio, Teaching Art, and Learning During the Pandemic

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John Ziqiang Wu’s exhibition Art Making opened at the Armory on February 9, 2020, just a few weeks before LA County’s stay at home order went into effect, triggering the...

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WATCH: Active Voice Part 2: Wellness at Home and In Community

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The emergence and rapid proliferation of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 resulted in a global pandemic at a scale not seen since the Spanish flu of 1918.

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A Message from Our Executive Director Leslie A. Ito

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The deadly shootings in Atlanta and the countless attacks on Asian American elders in communities across the nation have saddened me and triggered memories.

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WATCH: Active Voice Part 1: Lockdown, One Year Later

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On March 19, 2020, following the emergence and rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, California became the first U. S. state to issue a state-wide safer-at-home order.

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